Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This survey is pretty much personal, so before you copy it guys, be sure to read it first. :)

1. Ever lost a day, literally?

2. Ever followed a superstition?

3. Ever bungee jumped?

4. Ever tasted a smoothie?

5. Ever went to Gloria Jeans?

6. Ever lied a big one?

7. Ever pretended you were somebody else?

8. Ever faked a laugh?

9. Ever prank called?

10. Ever drank beer?

11. Ever took a picture of yourself to show off?

12. Ever back stabbed?

13. Ever faked a laugh?

14. Ever hung out with people you hate?

15. Ever been a plastic?

16. Ever flirted?

17. Ever wished you'd live a new life?

18. Ever been desperate in making someone like you?

19. Ever faked an account?

20. Ever been nagged to do something you didn't like?

21. Ever held a grudge?
~Why? How?

22. Ever gave the excuse that you had to go somewhere?

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